
Send your questions to moni !
For orders send me the order-form via fax or mail it online.
To pay outside Germany, we acceppt only VISA-card. For your own security, please send all your card-informations via fax.
In all prices 15% added value-tax is included.
Additionally we charge for delivering, except orders of more than 300 DM.
All Credit-card orders are mailed exclusively with UPS.

First Name:  	  Last Name: 


Address:     	 City:    

Postal Code:   State/Province:  


FON:            FAX: 

Bears: Quantity OrderNo. Sum
          sum total in DM:
Special wishes, critic, just everything, please fill in here, we will call/fax/mail you:
Credit Card:
Card Number: Expiry:
Only fill out if the Credit-card owner is not the same person as in the top. Credit-card owner info: First Name: Last Name: Company: Address: City: State/Province: Postal Code: Country: Phone: FAX: E-Mail:
